Now, access the mobile phone and cell number directory for all states and cities based on the network or operator. Our mobile number database can be used for various purposes such as advertising, bulk SMS, targeting specific localities, and election campaigns. Before using these numbers, please check their "Do Not Disturb" status with TRAI. If the status is activated, you are not authorized to use these numbers for advertisements.
95670, 96330, 97460, 98950, 99950, 95671, 96331, 97461, 98951, 99951, 95672, 96332, 97462, 98952, 99952, 95673, 96333, 97463, 98953, 99953, 95674, 96334, 97464, 98954, 99954, 95675, 96335, 97465, 98955, 99955, 95676, 96336, 97466, 98956, 99956, 95677, 96337, 97467, 98957, 99957, 95678, 96338, 97468, 98958, 99958, 95679, 96339, 97469, 98959, 99959
Next 5 digits of these number, varies from 00000 to 99999 with above prefix
81290, 81370, 81380, 81390, 81291, 81292, 81293, 81294, 81295, 81296, 81297, 81298, 81368, 81378, 81388, 81398, 81299, 81369, 81379, 81389
Next 5 digits of these number, varies from 00000 to 99999 with above prefix
These phone database can be downloaded and used for advertisements, election campaign, brand building, etc after checking the" Do not distrub status " and respecting the privacy of every individual and goverment regulation.
A phone directory, also known as a telephone directory or telephone book, is a comprehensive listing of telephone subscribers in a specific geographic area, such as a city, region, or country. It typically includes the names, addresses, and phone numbers of individuals, households, and businesses. Phone directories serve as valuable resources for people looking to find contact information for others, connect with businesses, and make phone calls.
They are often organized in alphabetical order, making it easy to look up a person or business by name and find their associated phone number and address. In the digital age, many phone directories have transitioned to online or electronic formats, making them easily accessible via the internet or specialized applications, thus rendering the traditional printed phone book less common.