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Mumbai Mobile Serial Numbers and Phone Number Series

Mobile Number Series alloted - Mumbai

List of Operators in the Circle : AIRTEL , JIO, Vi (Vodafone-IDEA), BSNL
State Capital:Mumbai
Major Cities :MUMBAI
Main Language :Marathi
Other Language :Hindi, Urdu , Gujarati and English
No. of Districts :1

These Serial numbers are belong to Mumbai, There are lakhs of people concentrated in each area of Mumbai. Mobile Serial numbers alloted in Mumbai and near by locations in Mumbai. These serial numbers are distributed to MUMBAI out of 1 no.of district. People who received this number series ( in Mumbai ) speaks Marathi and Hindi, Urdu , Gujarati and English languages..

List of Mobile Serial Numbers (First Five Digits) Allocated in Mumbai

The following serial numbers are allocated for various cities and towns in Mumbai. Please note that these number series are distributed among various telecom networks, including JIO, Airtel, Vi, and BSNL, in Mumbai;

Mobile Number Series Starting with 9 in Mumbai

Mumbai Serial Numbers Alloted to JIO, Airtel, Vi and BSNL (9 Number Series)

90040, 90220, 90290, 90760, 91460, 91670, 91720, 92200, 92210, 92220, 92230, 92240, 93200, 93210, 93220, 93230, 93240, 95880, 95940, 96190, 96640, 96650, 96990, 97020, 97570, 97680, 97690, 97730, 98190, 98200, 98210, 98330, 98670, 98690, 98700, 98920, 99200, 99300, 99670, 99690, 99870, 90041, 90221, 90291, 90761, 91461, 91671, 91721, 92201, 92211, 92221, 92231, 92241, 93201, 93211, 93221, 93231, 93241, 95881, 95941, 96191, 96641, 96651, 96991, 97021, 97571, 97681, 97691, 97731, 98191, 98201, 98211, 98331, 98671, 98691, 98701, 98921, 99201, 99301, 99671, 99691, 99871, 90042, 90222, 90292, 90762, 91462, 91672, 91722, 92202, 92212, 92222, 92232, 92242, 93202, 93212, 93222, 93232, 93242, 95882, 95942, 96192, 96642, 96652, 96992, 97022, 97572, 97682, 97692, 97732, 98192, 98202, 98212, 98332, 98672, 98692, 98702, 98922, 99202, 99302, 99672, 99692, 99872, 90043, 90223, 90293, 90763, 91463, 91673, 91723, 92203, 92213, 92223, 92233, 92243, 93203, 93213, 93223, 93233, 93243, 95883, 95943, 96193, 96643, 96653, 96993, 97023, 97573, 97683, 97693, 97733, 98193, 98203, 98213, 98333, 98673, 98693, 98703, 98923, 99203, 99303, 99673, 99693, 99873, 90044, 90224, 90294, 90764, 91464, 91674, 91724, 92204, 92214, 92224, 92234, 92244, 93204, 93214, 93224, 93234, 93244, 95884, 95944, 96194, 96644, 96654, 96994, 97024, 97574, 97684, 97694, 97734, 98194, 98204, 98214, 98334, 98674, 98694, 98704, 98924, 99204, 99304, 99674, 99694, 99874, 90045, 90225, 90295, 90765, 91465, 91675, 91725, 92205, 92215, 92225, 92235, 92245, 93205, 93215, 93225, 93235, 93245, 95885, 95945, 96195, 96645, 96655, 96995, 97025, 97575, 97685, 97695, 97735, 98195, 98205, 98215, 98335, 98675, 98695, 98705, 98925, 99205, 99305, 99675, 99695, 99875, 90046, 90226, 90296, 90766, 91466, 91676, 91726, 92206, 92216, 92226, 92236, 92246, 93206, 93216, 93226, 93236, 93246, 95886, 95946, 96196, 96646, 96656, 96996, 97026, 97576, 97686, 97696, 97736, 98196, 98206, 98216, 98336, 98676, 98696, 98706, 98926, 99206, 99306, 99676, 99696, 99876, 90047, 90227, 90297, 90767, 91467, 91677, 91727, 92207, 92217, 92227, 92237, 92247, 93207, 93217, 93227, 93237, 93247, 95887, 95947, 96197, 96647, 96657, 96997, 97027, 97577, 97687, 97697, 97737, 98197, 98207, 98217, 98337, 98677, 98697, 98707, 98927, 99207, 99307, 99677, 99697, 99877, 90048, 90228, 90298, 90768, 91468, 91678, 91728, 92208, 92218, 92228, 92238, 92248, 93208, 93218, 93228, 93238, 93248, 95888, 95948, 96198, 96648, 96658, 96998, 97028, 97578, 97688, 97698, 97738, 98198, 98208, 98218, 98338, 98678, 98698, 98708, 98928, 99208, 99308, 99678, 99698, 99878, 90049, 90229, 90299, 90769, 91469, 91679, 91729, 92209, 92219, 92229, 92239, 92249, 93209, 93219, 93229, 93239, 93249, 95889, 95949, 96199, 96649, 96659, 96999, 97029, 97579, 97689, 97699, 97739, 98199, 98209, 98219, 98339, 98679, 98699, 98709, 98929, 99209, 99309, 99679, 99699, 99879

The next 5 digits of these numbers range from 00000 to 99999, following the specified prefix.

Mobile Number Series Starting with 8 in Mumbai

Mumbai Serial Numbers Alloted to JIO, Airtel, Vi and BSNL (8 Number Series)

80800, 80820, 80970, 81080, 82680, 82860, 82910, 83560, 83830, 83840, 84220, 84240, 84250, 84330, 84480, 84510, 84520, 84540, 86520, 86550, 86910, 86920, 86930, 87670, 88280, 88790, 88980, 80801, 80821, 80971, 81081, 82681, 82861, 82911, 84331, 84481, 86521, 86551, 87671, 88281, 88791, 88981, 80802, 80822, 80972, 81082, 82682, 82862, 82912, 84332, 84482, 86522, 86552, 87672, 88282, 88792, 88982, 80803, 80823, 80973, 81083, 82683, 82863, 82913, 84333, 84483, 86523, 86553, 87673, 88283, 88793, 88983, 80804, 80824, 80974, 81084, 82684, 82864, 82914, 84334, 84484, 86524, 86554, 87674, 88284, 88794, 88984, 80805, 80825, 80975, 81085, 82685, 82865, 82915, 84335, 84485, 86525, 86555, 87675, 88285, 88795, 88985, 80806, 80826, 80976, 81086, 82686, 82866, 82916, 84336, 84486, 86526, 86556, 87676, 88286, 88796, 88986, 80807, 80827, 80977, 81087, 82687, 82867, 82917, 84337, 84487, 86527, 86557, 87677, 88287, 88797, 88987, 80808, 80828, 80978, 81088, 82688, 82868, 82918, 83558, 83568, 83838, 83848, 84228, 84248, 84258, 84338, 84488, 84518, 84528, 84548, 86528, 86558, 86898, 86918, 86928, 86938, 87678, 88288, 88798, 88988, 80809, 80829, 80979, 81089, 82689, 82869, 82919, 83559, 83569, 83839, 84199, 84229, 84249, 84259, 84339, 84489, 84509, 84519, 84529, 84549, 86529, 86559, 86899, 86919, 86929, 87679, 88289, 88799, 88989, 88440, 88441, 88442, 88443, 88444, 88445, 88446, 88447, 88448, 88449, 89990, 89991, 89992, 89993, 89994, 89995, 89996, 89997, 89998, 89999

The next 5 digits of these numbers range from 00000 to 99999, following the specified prefix.

Mobile Number Series Starting with 7 in Mumbai

Mumbai Serial Numbers Alloted to JIO, Airtel, Vi and BSNL (7 Number Series)

72080, 73020, 73030, 74980, 75060, 76660, 77380, 72081, 73021, 73031, 74981, 75061, 76661, 77381, 72082, 73022, 73032, 74982, 75062, 76662, 77382, 72083, 73023, 73033, 74983, 75063, 76663, 77383, 72084, 73024, 73034, 74984, 75064, 76664, 77384, 72085, 73025, 73035, 74985, 75065, 76665, 77385, 72086, 73026, 73036, 74986, 75066, 76666, 77386, 72087, 73027, 73037, 74987, 75067, 76667, 77387, 72088, 73028, 73038, 74988, 75068, 76668, 77388, 72089, 73029, 73039, 74989, 75069, 76669, 77389, 70210, 70211, 70212, 70213, 70214, 70215, 70216, 70217, 70218, 70219

The next 5 digits of these numbers range from 00000 to 99999, following the specified prefix.

Mobile Serial Numbers of Mumbai | Phone Number Series List

Mobile serial numbers are located in the following areas of Mumbai :

These Mobile Number Series or Serial numbers are Issued in the Cities of Borivali, Dhaisar, Magathane, Mulund, Vikhroli, Bhandup West, Jogeshwari East, Dindoshi, Kandivali East, Charkop, Malad West, Goregaon, Varsova, Andheri West, Andheri East, Vile Parle, Chandivali, Ghatkopar West, Ghatkopar East, Mankhurd Shivajinagar, Anushakti Nagar, Chembur, Kurla, Kalina, Vandre East, Vandre West, Dharavi, Sion Koliwada, Wadala, Mahim.

This Number Series / SIM Cards are Issued in Worli, Shivadi, Byculla, Malabar Hill, Mumbadevi, Colaba